We’re catching you up on what’s free this month

From Young Living

We’re so excited to have you on our team!! Every month Young Living has promos that they give away.  They always come in increments of 100PV (if you order through ER) 190PV, 250PV and 300PV (and there’s always another bonus product for 190PV orders on ER)

This month? When you place a 300PV order on Essential Rewards you get everything in that picture for FREE! That’s over $200 in free product!

FREE: 15ml Frankincense, 15ml Pine, 15ml Tea Tree, 15ml Eucalyptus Radiata, 5ml Christmas Spirit and Exclusive YL Diffuser Ornament

From Erin, Our Royal Crown Diamond Leader

Our upline (who, this month, achieved the highest rank in the company) also has some giveaways this month!

In November, when you enroll in Essential Rewards for the first time you will receive a free, 1oz bottle of Angel Tears, a VERY special blend of Frankincense, Myrrh and ROSE oil. YUP. ROSE. (it’s close to $200 for a 5ml bottle, so to even have a few drops is AWESOME!)

If you just re-enrolled with our team this month, you get a winter wellness kit, ready for you to fill with your own favorite oils and blends!

From us

This month we’re at it again! And for a SMALL select group of you, we’re pushing our team to Silver again, thanks to you! So we’re giving away EVEN MORE!

When you enroll in Essential Rewards for the first time TODAY or tomorrow (November 29th/30th) with a 100PV order, you’ll receive a travel diffuser for FREE!

But say you want to stock up on Christmas presents for your people and spend 300PV?  You’ll be eligible to WIN A FREE PREMIUM STARTER KIT. Yup. That’s right. A whole “PSK” for you!

The best part? This particular giveaway is ONLY AVAILABLE TO LESS THAN 20 people! We’re hoping for 2-4 people to place 300PV orders today/tomorrow, so your odds are GOOD.


So stock up TODAY on your Christmas shopping (or just oil supply!) and get are BIG chance to win your own Premium Starter Kit!

To sum it up…

Today or tomorrow place a 300PV order on Essential Rewards for the first time and you’ll really get the most you get:

FREE: 15ml Frankincense, 15ml Pine, 15ml Tea Tree, 15ml Eucalyptus Radiata, 5ml Christmas Spirit and Exclusive YL Diffuser Ornament
FREE: 1oz bottle of Angel Tears
FREE: Travel Diffuser


Trust us, it doesn’t get much better than this 🙂